Assignment Type Selection
Non-executives / Trustee Involvement
When required our partners and associates are involved in the Board membership as non-executives. Such assignments are based either or both on distinct trust from owner or on our objectiveness as independent directors and the focus is on the best practices of corporate governance inside the organisation and on internal and external activities related to strategic goals set by the owner or company leaders.
Interim Management
Interim management is a specific form of management consulting where consultant in charge takes interim (temporary) executive role in a client team.
More on interim management and situations when such form is in advantage over regular employment and other forms of consulting is available at the following link (
Depending on the availability of our partners and associates, we are in position to offer interim solution for following position:
- Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
- Chief Sales and Marketing Officer
- Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
- Controlling Manager
- Chief Information Officer
- Financial Controller
- Chief HR Officer
- Project Manager (IT, Change Management)
- and all similar position and other position on the request.
Management Consulting – Counselling
The most important characteristic of this form of consulting is that consultant is involved and works with a client from determining the challenge to solution implementation or till the expected goal is reach and knowledge transferred to a client.
Insolvency Management / Bankruptcy
Among our partners and associates we have individuals with the bankruptcy trustee licence and so eligible to be appointed as settlement procedure trustees (new regulation introduced settlement procedure prior to bankruptcy filing – if not successful ending in a bankruptcy case) or bankruptcy trustees. Therefore we are in position to offer this last resort for company core values for owners (settlement procedures) or creditors (settlement procedure, bankruptcy cases).
Our focus is on the fast transformation or closure of the businesses in order to minimise negative impact on stakeholders and save as much as possible of company values.
Workshops and Lectures
Iako ovaj vid našeg rada vrlo rijetko prakticiramo izravno na tržištu, on je vrlo često dio našeg djelovanja kod naših klijenata. Bilo da je riječ o radionicama kojima unapređujemo vještine ili o predavanjima kojima potičemo promjene, ipak su nas pozitivne reakcije sudionika potakle istaknuti ih u posebnoj skupini.
Leadership development workshop
Combination or Other Type of Advising
Most of our assignments are tailored according to particular client and client specific and so we always consider the best possible combinations.
In addition, we are by principle interested in building long-term relationships what is often initiated by our clients (e.g. outsourcing) and our network of associates so this list should not be seen as closed or final but only as a guide to possible areas of cooperation.
Any inquiry we receive, but for which we estimate there are other companies or consultants whose specialisations and competences are much closer to the need, we send to the best addresses.